Executive Committee

A.B.M. Siddique

A.B.M. Siddique

Founder & President


Padakhep gives high priority to good governance, accountability and transparency according to the approved constitution of the organization. The governance of Padakhep begins with three tier systems. The three-tier systems of governance are designated as: (1) General Body (GB) (2) Executive Committee (EC) and (3) Advisory Committee (AC).

The General Body constitutes 21 members from different professional domains who have commitment to the field of development. The General Body meets in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at least once in a year in a transparent and democratic process. The General Body through AGM elects an Executive Committee for a term of three years and approves all the activities of the EC.

The EC is responsible for framing policies and guidelines to run the organization. The EC comprises 8 (eight) members with different professional backgrounds and meets at least four times a year or more as deems necessary by the organization. They work as the conduit between the governance and management of the organization. The EC takes required management decisions and advises the Executive Director (ED) in implementing programs and activities of the organization, managing its affairs and also to safeguard the interests of stakeholders involved in different levels. The President heads the EC. The ED plays a role as Secretary to the EC and also acts as the Chief Executive of the organization. Padakhep is governed by a set of administrative policies, guidelines and manuals approved by the EC.